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How to Grow on YouTube with 0 Views and 0 Subscribers

Updated: 3 days ago

Starting a YouTube channel can be both exciting and intimidating. You've got the passion, the ideas, and maybe even the equipment, but what you don't have yet are views and subscribers.

If you're wondering how to grow your YouTube channel from 0, you're in the right place! Today, we're diving into actionable tips that can help you go from zero to hero on YouTube.

Take the First Step: Just Start!

The first hurdle many face is the fear of starting. Whether you're an introvert or a perfectionist, the idea of putting yourself out there can be daunting. But here's the thing: your first videos will not be your best, and that's perfectly okay! The key is to start taking action. Press that record button, edit your content and hit upload.

Think of your initial videos as the foundation of a skyscraper. You can't build a hundred-story tower without laying the groundwork first!

Niche Down to Stand Out

One of the biggest mistakes new YouTubers make is trying to be a jack-of-all-trades. Channels that try to target everyone usually end up attracting no one. So, how do you stand out? Niche down! Focus on a specific subject that you're passionate about and become the go-to authority in that space. This will help you attract a dedicated audience who are genuinely interested in your content.

Thumbnails: Your First Impression

Let's talk about thumbnails—the first impression viewers get of your videos. A boring, generic thumbnail won't cut it if you're serious about how to grow your YouTube channel from 0. Spend time crafting thumbnails that are not just eye-catching but also convey the value of your video.

Study what top creators in your niche are doing and take notes. Test different styles and analyze which ones drive up your click-through rate. Remember, people are visual creatures; make your thumbnails irresistible!

Keep Them Watching

Getting clicks is just the first step; the real challenge is turning those clicks into engaged, loyal viewers. Use strong opening hooks to grab attention and keep your audience captivated throughout the video. Incorporate storytelling, ask questions, and use end screens to guide viewers to more of your content. The longer you can keep people watching, the more YouTube will favor your videos in its algorithm.

Promote, Promote, Promote!

In the early stages, don't just rely on YouTube's algorithm to get your videos in front of people. Here are some things you can do to promote your content:

  • Share your content across social media

  • Collaborate with other creators

  • Pitch your videos to relevant blogs and websites

  • Tell your friends and family

  • Join YouTube creator groups and ask for feedback

The idea is to generate external traffic to signal to YouTube that your content is valuable. The more you promote, the quicker you'll build momentum.

Dive into YouTube Analytics

YouTube Studio is your best friend when it comes to understanding what's working and what's not. Pay attention to metrics like audience retention and click-through rates. Double down on what's working and learn from what isn't.

YouTube analytics can offer invaluable insights into how to grow your YouTube channel from scratch.

Consistency is Key

Last but not least, be consistent. Posting sporadically won't help you build an audience. Stick to a regular upload schedule, whether it's once a week or twice a month. Consistency not only helps with the YouTube algorithm but also builds trust with your audience.

Final Thoughts

Growing a YouTube channel from scratch is no small feat, but with dedication, strategy, and a bit of creativity, it's entirely possible. Remember, every big YouTuber started with zero views and zero subscribers. Your journey is no different. So take that first step, keep improving, and watch your channel grow.

At Creator Essentials, my mission is to guide you in unlocking your full potential as a creator. Reach out to me and let's work together to make your channel both rewarding and financially successful.


Written by Rob Miller

Founder, Creator Essentials

Rob has been on YouTube since 2016 and has worked on dozens of channels and websites, including his own, amassing hundreds of millions of views and hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

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